Sunday, September 11, 2011

Busy Referee Regrets Not Finding Time To Throw Flag Around With Son

TAMPA, FL—NFL referee Bob Turner wishes he could find more time to be at home throwing a flag around with his 8-year-old son, the veteran official said Friday. “Every dad wants the chance to spend some quality time in the backyard with his kid, tossing a flag on the ground, but traveling across the country every week means I don’t get to do that very often,” said Turner, who fondly remembers throwing a flag around with his own referee father. “One of these days I’m going to come home from a Super Bowl, want to throw the flag on the grass with him, and he’s not going to be a kid anymore.” Turner also admitted he sometimes worries his absence will lead the boy to fall in with the wrong crowd, and dreads the thought of getting a call at 3 a.m. notifying him his son has been charged with a face-masking penalty.

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