Saturday, September 24, 2011

Drake’s “Take Care” Album Cover

Feels like it’s been so long. Is life moving so fast in this generation that when we desire something it begins to move in slow motion? Are we just used to getting what we want right away? Or do we require one another to feel right about all that is going on around us? Maybe our anticipation is justified by the fact that we genuinely cannot wait to share a moment again? Either way, your life and mine are scheduled to meet on October 24…I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

See you soon.


Mixtape: DJ S.R. & DJ Lil Keem - The Awakein 3

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rick Ross: Can’t Knock the Hustle [Excerpt From October 2011 Issue Of XXL]

Is Rick Ross a fake? It doesn’t matter. His music, his money and his growing empire are all as real as it gets…

"We need to get in there before they get to us.”

Red, Rick Ross’s Security Chief, a man with the shoulders of a linebacker, speaks as if the rapper’s tour bus were being swarmed by flesh-starved zombies. It’s 3 a.m. on a Saturday night, and the enormous vehicle has pulled up behind Club Adrianna’s, a nightclub outside of Chicago.
This kind of place can be perilous for visiting rappers, a fact underscored by the 2006 shooting of T.I.’s friend Philant Johnson after a similar appearance in Cincinnati. As Ross and his entourage are shepherded through a back entrance by hulking club security personnel, people in the crowd shout “Rozay!” and mimic the rapper’s signature deep-bellied grunt.

By the time the convoy cleanses several rooms of locals and shoves through a mobbed mezzanine, the DJ has shifted into a set of Ross’s hits. Finally deposited in a private area, Ross is presented with bottles of Champagne and sparklers. The crowd crushes inward, looking for photo opportunities and handshakes. A sequoia-sized member of Ross’s crew stands sentinel, scanning the sea of faces for anyone whose expression is a little too excited or icy. Wearing a black nylon jacket and his ever-present sunglasses, Ross is at home in the swirl of chaos. At this moment, he is exactly what he has always wanted to be: a rap star who performs in front of thousands but still gets love in the hood.

Later on, back on the bus, after a frenzied extraction, the 35-year-old rapper launches into an animated, 30-minute paean to his own authenticity. “There was five different gangs in that room,” he says, grabbing a handrail as the bus curls through the Illinois darkness. “Crips. Folks. You don’t see these other tough-guy rappers there. Check their tour schedule. They don’t go to Detroit, to Chicago. That’s the difference.” The spiel includes talk of his murderous Miami mentor, meeting with Larry Hoover’s son and the foulness of snitches. He even threatens Kreayshawn, the fledgling Bay Area rapper who called Ross “fake” in a recent freestyle verse. “I can’t wait to slap the shit out of whoever carries her bags,” he says with a sneer. “And I hope it’s her nigga. Dirty bitch. You better know who the fuck you talking about. I’ll pay 50K to mess up your whole week.”

If the last year has proven anything, it’s that Rick Ross should not be concerned about his credibility. Despite a number of issues that could have doomed an inferior artist—the discovery that he worked as a correctional officer in Florida’s Dade County, an embarrassing ex-girlfriend who pranced around New York City with his rival 50 Cent, a lingering perception that his persona as a cocaine baron was overblown—he has risen to greater stardom than ever before. His last album, 2010’s Teflon Don, was critically lauded and spawned monster hits like “B.M.F. (Blowin’ Money Fast)” and “Aston Martin Music.” Ashes to Ashes, a follow-up mixtape, yielded more of the same with “John Doe” and “9 Piece.” He made high-profile cameos on tracks with Drake, Kanye West and Lil Wayne. He assembled a divergent group of artists for his Maybach Music Group label and, in May, elevated their stature with the compilation album MMG Presents: Self Made, Vol. 1. Squabbles with other rappers (Kreayshawn notwithstanding) and questions about his past are old news. With his fifth album, God Forgives, I Don’t, scheduled to come out this fall, Ross has his pudgy toes on the precipice of greatness.
“I’m enjoying my last few moments at No. 2,” Ross says, sitting on the bed in the back of his tour bus. “It’s like I’m watching the No. 1 man on stage, my legs crossed, I’m smoking big, hollering at the bitches in the crowd. And this album gonna do it. I got the formula.” His sunglasses are off, and his eyes are heavily lidded but alive. “Everybody on my dick,” he says, “like they supposed to be.”

The First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre, a concert venue about 30 minutes outside of Chicago, has towering support pillars and an ugly roof, which provide all the ambiance of a freeway overpass. After an afternoon of rain and hail, skies clear up in time for performances from Ross, Lil Wayne, Keri Hilson and Far East Movement. The sprawling crowd is a snapshot of the rap audience in 2011: kids with braids throwing up gang signs, frat bros in Hollister shirts, groupies in shrink-wrapped dresses and teenyboppers wearing hoodies emblazoned with “Love Pink.” And there is Ross, leading this weird congregation in chants of “I think I’m Big Meech.” He bounces along the catwalk, hunched down, his chin tucked into his chest. It looks a bit like a turtle trying to get off of a hot plate. “Took me 10 years to stand right here,” he announces to acknowledging applause. As Ross polishes off a set that includes hits like “Hustlin’ ” and “I’m on One,” steam rises from his bald, sweat-sheened head. Walking backstage, he yanks off his shirt.

For a man of significant huskiness, Ross is not bashful. Whether performing, during photo shoots or in the privacy of his trailer, he strips off his tent-sized tees with the casual exhibitionism of a sunbathing Frenchwoman. The folds of his upper body are a maze of tattoos—he says he has more than 100. Abraham Lincoln and George Washington are inked on his chest. The Statue of Liberty and Richard Pryor on his abdomen. On his right thigh is a portrait of Jean-Michel Basquiat, the New York City painter, who died in 1988 of a heroin overdose. Basquiat, who did the cover art for Rammellzee and K-Rob’s “Beat Bop” in 1983, has become a popular name-drop among rap’s aspiring art appreciators; Jay-Z, Nas and Swizz Beatz have all made their admiration known. Ross doesn’t say much about Basquiat’s actual work, but he is enamored of his storied rise from homeless obscurity to the top of the art world. “I connected to that totally,” Ross says. “Just chasing his dream. It wasn’t about how much knowledge he had or who he knew. It was just his talent. And that’s what it was with me.”

Props To XXL Magazine

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Video: BROTHERLY LOVE: Mario vs. Luigi

Hip Hop News: Swizz Beatz CHEATING on Alicia Keys!? + Mistress Speaks Out!

Christina Elizabeth speaks on her affairs with Swizz Beatz:

I’m only making this statement because I’m being put out there as a liar and I am very embarrassed. I would like to confirm that the rumor about Swizz Beatz cheating on Mashonda with me is absolutely true. I would also like to confirm that the rumors about Swizz “sexting” me, even in his present marriage, are absolutely true. I am also confirming that I lost my cell phone and someone else posted all the stuff that you see on the internet.

I’ve known Kasseem since 2007. We met at Solange Knowles’ (whom I do not associate with) birthday party in Houston, TX. A gentleman from Kasseem’s entourage approached me and said that someone wanted to talk to me. After I asked who it was, he pointed at Kasseem. I knew he was “Swizz Beatz”, but I did not know anything else about him. I gave him my phone number and he called me right away and invited me to eat at Katz’ Deli on Montrose Blvd. The next morning, he invited me to accompany him at Radio One (979 The Box) for his interview. Afterwards, we went back to his hotel room but we DID NOT HAVE SEX. A couple of hours later, he had to leave so he could catch his flight. He hugged and kissed me in public as if he were a single man.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks later. He invited me out to Miami with him and I gladly accepted. I met him in Dallas and we flew to Miami together. My last minute ticket placed me in coach and his ticket placed him in first class, but he switched his first class seat with the guy sitting next to me so he could sit next to me. In Miami, we stayed at his friends beautiful home. This is where we became sexually active and this is where I found out he was married. He snuck me through the house and it was all odd to me until I found a gift with Mashonda & Kasseem’s name on it. I asked him later on why he was cheating on her and he basically said she wasn’t being the wife he needed. He also said that if she asked if he was cheating, he would not lie to her, but he wouldn’t come right out and tell her.

After that trip, he invited me to meet him in Philly. I was picked up from the airport and taken to a club where he was performing at. Him and his crew jumped in the truck and we drove to VA from there. In VA, we got on a tour bus and drove to multiple destinations. After that, I flew back to Miami, he got sick and I got stranded in the Miami airport overnight. I flew back home to Houston the next day.

Later that week, he went on an overseas trip with Mashonda. I received a call from him saying “My wife is about to call you. Tell her nothing happened.” When Mashonda called me, this is exactly what I did. He did not contact me after that. They got a divorce and although we stayed in contact afterwards, there was nothing too drastic. I’m guessing this is when he was dating Alicia. Recently, we’ve been contacting each other (as you’ve all seen), but I haven’t physically seen him. We were making plans to, but I had to work and I wasn’t going to take off work to go see him. I live on my own, I have responsibilities and I strongly believe that if you are not contributing to those responsibilities, there is no reason for me to neglect them to entertain you. I am a very independent individual and the people who know me will tell you that I would never hold my hand out and ask for anything and if I do, I have a very hard time doing it.

Even though Swizz offered and offered and offered to buy me things, the only thing I accepted was plane tickets to go see him. He’s a wonderful man and I had a great time with him as well as a great relationship. Of course he’ll deny the whole thing and of course Alicia will stand up for her man. It’s understood.


Do you think she’s telling the truth or trying to get some quick exposure?

Props To On The 6th

Caturday: In The Name Of JESUS....

Caturday: Maaaan......

Caturday: Subscribe

Caturday: Yeeeep.....

Caturday: I'll Do It Later....

Caturday: "I Thought I Told Dat Nigga Not To Come By..."

Holy Shit!!! Is This Forreal?!?!

Wait A Sec.....

Liscense And Registration Please.......

Mixtape: DJ Spinz & DJ Pretty Boy Tank - Rhythm & Swag 7

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Mixtape: Tapemasters Inc. &DJ Envy - Purple Codeine 39

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Friday, September 16, 2011

News: Shitty Zoo Promoting Hell Out Of New Fruit Bat

WICHITA, KS—Desperately hoping to raise its profile and boost attendance, the Wichita Zoo, long considered one of the crappiest zoos in the United States, is using every resource at its disposal to promote the hell out of a new fruit bat, sources reported Friday.

Local residents confirmed the zoo was "doing a real big push for that bat," who was christened Dwayne following a statewide naming contest and has since become a ubiquitous presence on the backs of benches and sides of buses throughout the greater Wichita area.

We've all got Dwayne fever around here," said zoo director David Tucker, sporting a Dwayne the Fruit Bat mesh trucker cap. "Why wouldn't we? Dwayne is an amazing fruit-bat specimen, and we've built a state-of-the-art habitat for him. His family comes from Australia, he has a wingspan of 15 inches—plus, he's one of only 40 fruit bats in the state."

"We're really pulling out all the stops for this guy," Tucker added.

Plagued by struggles over the years to attain adequate funding, the zoo has reportedly sunk everything it can into publicizing the fruit bat, renting out billboards along major highways in Wichita and covering them with a close-up photo of Dwayne accompanied by the slogan "Get Batty Wit It."

News: Community Devastated By Sight Of Old Man Struggling To Walk Up Steps

UNIONTOWN, PA—An elderly man currently struggling to walk up a flight of steps at the local post office has rocked this community of nearly 12,000 people, leaving many shaken and devastated by the slow-moving, wheezing octogenarian's inability to perform what was once an effortless physical task, sources confirmed Thursday.

Described by onlookers as both hunched over and more than likely racked with thoughts of how much his body has deteriorated over time, the man began his ascent to the top of the 9-foot staircase at 9:45 a.m. By the fourth step, the man reportedly started using the handrail to stabilize himself—a sight that emotionally crippled the already grief-stricken community.

At press time, crushed town sources said the image of the man stopping on the seventh step to catch his breath would forever be seared into their brains.

"The elderly man's lack of stamina and mobility has left all of us in a state of shock," said Uniontown mayor Ed Fike, who added that watching younger people swiftly pass the senior on the steps has only exacerbated an already terrible situation. "Unfortunately, the worst has yet to come. He still has six more steps to go, and I don't see him becoming any more limber or getting any sort of boost in energy during that time."

"Until he reaches the top, this town needs to deal with the likelihood that this gentleman is currently wondering how much longer he'll be able to use staircases unassisted, or worse yet, if there's any point in being alive if you can't even walk up 13 measly steps," he added. "Christ, they're pretty shallow steps, too."

According to residents, the town has been demoralized not only by the sheer amount of energy the man must summon to make it up each step, but also by the man's near inability to lift his knees high enough to place his feet securely on the edge of the next stair, and then the next, and then the next.

In addition, sources confirmed the elderly man periodically removing his handkerchief to wipe away sweat from his forehead has taken a significant toll on the community, as has his weary yet stoic expression, which passersby said indicates the man long ago accepted, with humility and grace, the fact that he will have to repeatedly endure humiliating physical hardships every single day for the rest of his life.

"My God, it's going to take him five minutes to get up there," said real estate agent Michael O'Connor, who later speculated that if the old man has such extreme difficulty walking up steps, he more than likely can't even walk on flat ground without tiring easily. "I bet 50 years ago he was bounding up steps two at a time, and now look at him. He just glanced up at the top stair as if to calculate whether or not he has enough energy to actually make it. I can't watch this anymore."

"Why is he carrying those bags?" said distraught 42-year-old resident April Carlson, referring to two Rite Aid bags the elderly man is holding in each hand. "There's no way those bags are making this any easier for him. Doesn't he have anyone to help him out with stuff like that?"
Further adding to the community's distress is speculation that the man probably once led an extremely active life, fighting for his country in World War II, playing high school football, and taking his loving wife out dancing. Citizens later concluded that the man's wife is most likely dead, that he lives alone, and that his inability to get around is a constant reminder of everything he's lost.

While residents said they would try to recover from the sight of the man looking back at the bottom step as if he might quit altogether, the majority noted it would be impossible to forget his ordeal.

"I have encouraged our citizens to continue on and live life as normal," Mayor Fike said. "But I feel like that is going to be impossible. The truth is, at some point, no matter how healthy you eat, or how in shape you are, there will come a time when your body simply stops working. It breaks down. Muscles become weaker. The simple act of standing becomes nearly impossible. So if there is any lesson to be learned from today's events, it's that all of us, every single one of us, will suffer."

Video: Tyrese Spills On Whether He Sexed Taraji P. Henson + How Women Can Learn From His Ex-Wife's Mistakes

Dj Ray G - Trust Issues/The Usual

Dj Ray G - The Usual/Yo (Dj Ray G - Mixxx)

Dj Ray G - Trust Issues/Poppin (Dj Ray G - Mixxx)

Video: Frank Ocean - Thinkin Bout You

Hip Hop News: Is Drake Pulling a Kanye With Take Care?

Is Drake following in Kanye West’s footsteps by releasing a number of tracks off his upcoming Take Care album before it hits stores?

In the last four months since chatter about his forthcoming Take Care album began to heavily circulate on the net, Drake has released a handful of tracks potentially set to appear on the highly-anticipated set.

In May he dropped “Dreams Money Can Buy,” and a month later, “Marvin’s Room” premiered on his
Octobers Very Own site, the same day the album’s October 24 release date was announced; a video for the latter was shot and released shortly after. Drake then followed with “Headlines,” the first official single off the set, in July.

After taking a short hiatus in August, Aubrey leaked two more tracks via his blog just this past weekend, one titled ”Free Spirit” featuring Rick Ross and another named “Club Paradise.”

Now, Drizzy is by no means a wannabe or a copy-cat, but his recent flood of viral releases has left XXL wondering if the Toronto boy is possibly taking a page from Kanye West’s book by releasing a significant number of tracks off the upcoming album before its release, much like ‘Ye did with My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Is Drizzy following in Kanye’s footsteps? And, will this marketing scheme work this time around?

Although it seems as if Drake himself is the culprit behind the Noah “40″ Shebib-produced leaks, it appears Universal Motown, the label Drake is signed to, has sent cease & desist letters to all the sites that had download links to the tracks. Still, while one might not get to add the music to their collection, one still can easily get a listen—or many listens, at that—before the album is actually up for grabs.

With that in mind, XXL poses the question: is Drizzy pulling a Kanye West? And will fans buy Take Care if they can listen to most of it online, for free, before the official release?

Props To XXL Magazine

Video: Frank Ocean – Swim Good

Diggy Simmons - Just Begun

Mixtape: DJ Iceberg & DJ S.R. - The S.E.X. Series

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Mixtape: DJ Got Now & The Cartel - Audio Jackin' (Big K.R.I.T.)

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Mixtape: Yo Gotti - Cocaine Muzik 6 (Gangsta Of The Year)

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Mixtape: Lil B - Black Flame

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Mixtape: The Cartel & The Syndicate - OVOXO

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Maino - Let It Fly (Remix) Feat. Roscoe Dash, DJ Khaled, Ace Hood, Meek Mill, Jim Jones & Wale

MixTape Classic: Dj Dirty Harry - The Warriors

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Mixtape: DJ Rell - Donald Trump (Mac Miller)


Mixtape: Young Scrap - Music We Can F*ck To


Mixtape: Superstar Jay - I Am Mixtapes 94


Mixtape: Kiyana - Confessions Of A Virgo


Lil Wayne - Up Up And Away

Mixtape: DJ White Owl - Drop That 179


Mixtape: Bei Maejor - MaejorMaejor


Mixtape: DJ Burn One & Mouce - Til The World Blow Up


Mixtape: DJ Rell & DJ Tazmania - Digital Heroin


Mixtape: DJ Rell & DJ Tazmania - Corporate Law


Sunday, September 11, 2011


Little League World Series Winners Must Be Getting Tons Of P***y Right Now

WILLIAMSPORT, PA—After defeating a Japanese team 2-1 to win the Little League World Series, the 12-year-old champions from Huntington Beach, CA are, without a doubt, up to their ears in pussy, sources reported Friday. “They win the biggest game on the biggest stage—there’s no way they’re leaving the house without wading hip-deep in trim,” said LLWS color commentator Orel Hershiser, adding that every member of the team is probably getting his own wet right now. “The second a woman finds out she’s talking to a Little League World Series champ, she gets all flushed and will basically do anything. I’m talking the nastiest of stuff. With all that puss in their faces, I just hope those kids can breathe.” Current major-league player and former Little League World Series winner Jason Varitek told reporters he got more pussy after winning the 1984 championship than at any other point in his life, and said the kids should just enjoy it while it lasts.

NFL To Fine Fans For Excessive Celebrations

NEW YORK—In a controversial decision to crack down on gaudy displays of jubilation, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell announced plans Wednesday to fine fans thousands of dollars for celebrating excessively in the stands. “Offending individuals engaged in elaborate rituals that involve props, choreographed dances, or leaving their feet will face stiff monetary penalties,” said Goodell, adding that every taunt, chant, cardboard sign, and chest bump will be reviewed by the league. “The NFL simply will not tolerate poor sportsmanship, and any spectator committing extreme celebrations, such as collaborating with others to display a cardboard capital “D” and a picket fence, or removing articles of clothing after a touchdown, will receive a $30,000 fine and be ejected from the game.” Goodell also told reporters teams would receive a 15-yard penalty anytime a fan gets out of line by clapping too loudly or shouting complaints about a referee’s call.

Busy Referee Regrets Not Finding Time To Throw Flag Around With Son

TAMPA, FL—NFL referee Bob Turner wishes he could find more time to be at home throwing a flag around with his 8-year-old son, the veteran official said Friday. “Every dad wants the chance to spend some quality time in the backyard with his kid, tossing a flag on the ground, but traveling across the country every week means I don’t get to do that very often,” said Turner, who fondly remembers throwing a flag around with his own referee father. “One of these days I’m going to come home from a Super Bowl, want to throw the flag on the grass with him, and he’s not going to be a kid anymore.” Turner also admitted he sometimes worries his absence will lead the boy to fall in with the wrong crowd, and dreads the thought of getting a call at 3 a.m. notifying him his son has been charged with a face-masking penalty.

Yung Joc - Amen

Estelle Featuring Swizz Beatz, Raekwon & Wretch 32 – Break My Heart (Remix) (Part 2)

Ludacris ft. Waka Flocka Flame - Rich & Flexin'

Birdman ft. Lil' Wayne and Nicki Minaj - Y.U. Mad

XV ft. Trae The Truth - Batteries

Tech N9ne ft. Krizz Kaliko - Beautiful Music

Mixtape: DJ Rell & DJ Tazmania - Street League 6

Today Marks The Ten Year Anniversary Of “9-11″

"9-11,” reminded us all life is not guaranteed, fair or predictable, live it up while you can. Where were you when the towers went down? I remember being on my way to school and hearing about it on the radio. People calling in to the news stations trying to figure out what was going on. Seeing it on t.v. while people were running and screaming....watching the towers smoke.....still hard to grasp planes flying into New York buildings, seems like something out of a movie. R.I.P. to all those that lost their life ten years ago on, “9-11.”