Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Friends And Family Worry As Athlete May Be Permanently Stuck In Zone

BOSTON—After Bulls guard Derrick Rose led the Bulls past the Hawks averaging almost 30 points in six games, concern rose among friends and family that Rose could potentially be stuck in the zone, forever doomed to hit jump shots, break down defenses, and experience the game at a much slower pace than everyone else on the court. “Dear God, please let him miss his next shot,” Rose’s trembling mother told reporters, adding that by just looking at his determined facial expression, she could see that he was “totally in it.” “His stroke is just too smooth right now. Somebody needs to put an end to this horrible, horrible hot streak. I want my son back.” At press time, the family remained horrified as they overheard their son tell his teammates during a timeout that the basket looks like an ocean to him right now.

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