Made at the height of Eddie Murphy's powers, "Coming to America" is not only hilarious, it's highly educational.
1. Zamundian Princes Have Royal Wipers
2. Royal Penises Get Dirty and Are Washed by Gorgeous Women
3. If Asked, All Zamundian Women Will Actually Bark
4. Intellect and Loins Require Equal Amounts of Arousal
5. Royal Oats Must be Sowed in Order to be an Accomplished King
6. Wives Can be Found by Spinning a Globe
7. It's Perfectly Legal to Take on a Major Corporation by Opening a Competing Franchise with Nearly the Exact Same Logo, Name, and Products
8. That You've Got to Let Your Soul Glo
9. Female Arsenio Hall Will "Tear You Apart"
10. Dropping the Microphone After a Terrible Rendition of a Whitney Houston Song DOES Make a Difference
11. Rocky Marciano Whoop'd Joe Louis' Ass
12. BUT Joe Louis was 75 When They Fought
13. White Men Love Bringing Up Rocky Marciano
14. The Best Time to Re-apply Your Soul-Glo is in Your Car While Passing a Soul-Glo Billboard and Listening to the Soul-Glo Jingle on the Radio
15. Always Trust Arsenio Hall to Fix Up Your Apartment
16. After a Break-Up, The First Step is Getting out of Your Wet Clothes
17. Working the Fry Detail is a MAJOR Promotion
18. Being a Goat Herder Attracts the Right Women
19. Seriously, You've Got to Let Your Soul Glo
1. Zamundian Princes Have Royal Wipers
2. Royal Penises Get Dirty and Are Washed by Gorgeous Women
3. If Asked, All Zamundian Women Will Actually Bark
4. Intellect and Loins Require Equal Amounts of Arousal
5. Royal Oats Must be Sowed in Order to be an Accomplished King
6. Wives Can be Found by Spinning a Globe
7. It's Perfectly Legal to Take on a Major Corporation by Opening a Competing Franchise with Nearly the Exact Same Logo, Name, and Products
8. That You've Got to Let Your Soul Glo
9. Female Arsenio Hall Will "Tear You Apart"
10. Dropping the Microphone After a Terrible Rendition of a Whitney Houston Song DOES Make a Difference
11. Rocky Marciano Whoop'd Joe Louis' Ass
12. BUT Joe Louis was 75 When They Fought
13. White Men Love Bringing Up Rocky Marciano
14. The Best Time to Re-apply Your Soul-Glo is in Your Car While Passing a Soul-Glo Billboard and Listening to the Soul-Glo Jingle on the Radio
15. Always Trust Arsenio Hall to Fix Up Your Apartment
16. After a Break-Up, The First Step is Getting out of Your Wet Clothes
17. Working the Fry Detail is a MAJOR Promotion
18. Being a Goat Herder Attracts the Right Women
19. Seriously, You've Got to Let Your Soul Glo